Husk at du kan starte din reise mot smertefrihet ved å være nysgjerrig, lese og studere og finne ut av veldig mye på egenhånd. Jeg er her hvis du trenger min hjelp.
The way out - Alan Gordon (PRT) (Denne er fin å starte med) ❤️
Unlearn your pain - Dr. Howard Schubiner
The divided mind - John E. Sarno, MD
The Mind Body Prescription - John E. Sarno
Healing Back Pain - John E. Sarno
Den nevroplastiske nøkkelen - Ellen Flø Skagen (På norsk!)
When the body says no - Gabor Mate ❤️
The expectation effect -David Robson
The body keeps the score - Bessel van der Kolk
The myth of normal - Gabor Mate
Scattered minds - Gabor Mate
The Choice - Edith Eger ❤️
Judgement Detox - Gabrielle Bernstein
Waking the tiger - Peter A. Levine
Healing trauma - Peter A. Levine
No Bad Parts - Healing trauma & restoring wholeness with The internal family systems model - Richard C. Schwartz, PHD
Naturlig Smertefri - Audun Myskja
Atlas of the Heart - Brene Brown
Think like a Monk - Jay Shetty
Letting go - David R.Hawkins
The power of now - Eckart Tolle ❤️
The untethered soul - Michael Singer
Tell yourself a better Lie - Marisa Peer
It`s all in your head (Stories from the frontline of Psychosomatic illness) - Suzanne O`Sullivan
The biology of belief - Bruce H. Lipton PhD
The pocket guide to The Polyvagal Theory - Stephen W. Porges
How emotions are made - The secret life of the brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
Eastern Body Western Mind - Anodea Judith
Chakras and the Vagus nerve - C.J. Llewelyn, Med, LPc
PRT: The boulder back pain study, 2022, Yoni Ashar, Howard Schubiner
The cure for chronic pain - Nicole Sachs, LCSW
Tell me about your pain - Alan Gordon
All in the mind
Like mind, Like body (Curable)
Curable (App)
Navn å sjekke ut
Dr. Howard Schubiner - PRT
Alan Gordon - PRT
Yoni Ashar - PRT
Nicole Sachs - TMS, JournalSpeak
John Sarno - TMS
Peter Levine - SE - Somatic experiencing
Gabor Mate
Porges (polyvagal theory)
Brene Brown - skam og følelser
James W. Pennebaker (Expressiv writing)
Dr. Joe Dispenza (meditasjon)
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